miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

My favorite dish

Since I remember I love potatos. I love them in almost every way, but what I really love with all my heart and soul are the french fries.

I absolutely love them. With mayonnaise, ketchup, only salted, I really don't care. They're just perfect to combine with almost everything. With fish, beef, chicken, with a cheese burger, even if you only eat fries and nothing else.

If you’re going to talk about “mass produced” fries, I think that the best ones are from McDonalds and Johnny Rockets, but the fries from Juan Maestro are really good too. But we can’t forget about the homemade fries, the ones that you peel, cut and fry yourself, were you can taste the love in every single bite.
There are a lot of people that compares french fries with packaged chips –like Lays or Pringles- and I always think that they’re so, so mistaken comparing things that are deeply different.

As you can see, I’m very emphatic about fries: I love them, and I invite everyone to eat fries and don’t worry about the fat or the calories and just enjoy that wonderful taste.

1 comentario:

  1. I like potatoes too! I agree with you, they can mix with anything! Any side dish works well with potatoes. Ever tried, roasted potato skins? If not, you shoud! Well done!
